About Us
About Us
Junktown Guides is owned and operated by an avid climber, river runner, skier, and general outdoor adventurer. When not designing maps, time is spent volunteering with several non-profits teaching outdoor adventure activities to people with disabilities.
Junktown Guides
I started Junktown Guides to help spread the knowledge of our local climbing and boating areas. Western Colorado and Eastern Utah are an outdoor adventures playground and these guides are designed to spread the knowledge of some of what is known but no means be a representation of all that is possible to do here. Junktown started with our first book and is now expanding into river maps. We created a combination of physical maps that can be taken out on the water and a website built with additional information to help you when researching your next river trip. Along with these guides, Junktown has also produced a river log book to help promote and support Team River Runner.
This website and the blog started with the building of a camper. I was living in Los Angeles for a few months, that turned into almost 2 years, working for my old boss and I came up with the idea to design and build a camper from scratch and write a blog to chronicle the build. The site has now morphed into a resource for info on our rivers.
Randall Chapman
Owner/operator Junktown Guides
Guide Book/Map Author and Publisher
ACA Certified Kayak Instructor
PCIA Certified Climbing Instructor
Volunteer Work:
- On organizing committee
- Clinic Instructor
- Kitchen Coordinator
Colorado Discover Ability
- Adaptive Ski Instructor
- Chair of River Safety Committee