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Ep 1 Bob and Lisa Eakle - Rock2Rapid

Ep 1 Bob and Lisa Eakle

November 01, 2023
By: Randall Chapman

Bob and Lisa met in college at Western State in Gunnison CO back in 1980 and began a life long journey together filled with adventure. Having first climbed in Unaweep in the early 80s they moved to the canyon in the early 90s and have called it home ever since. The Sun Towers Complex is literally their back yard and they are responsible for putting up most of the routes there creating the first safe moderate crag in the canyon with the Upper and Lower Sun Towers back in the 90s. As access to the towers has been closed, Bob and Lisa, along with a few friends, have put up even more safe moderates on the adjacent Beehive and Twin Owls while also adding the Fledgling to the mix. All of this before we even talk about the trails and access through their property that is such an amazing gift they give to the local community.

So, please enjoy the show and if you are ever climbing at the Sun Tower Complex or see them out and about make sure to thank them for everything they do!

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